Representative of the recruiting company on the Bulgarian market
Polish HR Bridge recruiting company is looking for a Representative in Bulgaria to find new clients and communicate with them.First of all, we are looking for a flexible potential business partner with whom we could develop on the Bulgarian market.
Duties of the candidate:
making outgoing calls to employers in Bulgaria and offering our services (remote work)
communicating with potential/current clients from Bulgaria
preparation of work contracts, administrative tasks
assisting potential employers with obtaining work permits/temporary residence permits for workers
a trip to a business trip all over Bulgaria for a personal presentation of the company and conclusion of contracts
advanced English skills
experience in the sales
work experience and understanding of the field of recruiting
availability every day during business hours, except for weekends
familiarity with the market of foreign workers in Bulgaria
willingness to work and openness when communicating with people
having a car for trips will be an important advantage
experience in business processes or a feeling that you can handle it
Please also send information about your experience in the text and why you would like to do this activity. This is much more important than a CV.
What we offer:
We offer a calculation system as follows: Fixed rate per hour + high bonuses for a closed client for outgoing calls. The cost of all business trips will be fully covered (fuel, hotel, food). The average earning will reach: 1000-2000 euros per month. Payment once a month or once every 2 weeks at the request of the candidate.
We offer good conditions, the ability to adjust working hours to suit yourself, a fixed hourly salary + % from new clients who will come from outgoing calls, which will guarantee a high monthly income.
Our contact details:
+48 690 548 543 (VIber/WhatsApp)
Изисквания към кандидата
Езикови познания:
Английски език
Трудов опит:
С професионален опит от 1 - 3г.
Ние предлагаме
Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден
Срок на заетост:
Ниво в йерархията:
Трудово възнаграждение:
От 2000 до 4000 лева на месец
Човешки ресурси
Административни и офис дейности
Населено място:
Гр. Ямбол, Гр. Шумен, Гр. Хасково, Гр. Търговище, Гр. Стара Загора, Гр. София, Гр. Смолян, Гр. Сливен, Гр. Силистра, Гр. Русе, Гр. Разград, Гр. Пловдив, Гр. Плевен, Гр. Перник, Гр. Пазарджик, Гр. Монтана, Гр. Ловеч, Гр. Кюстендил, Гр. Кърджали, Гр. Добрич, Гр. Габрово, Гр. Враца, Гр. Видин, Гр. Велико Търново, Гр. Варна, Гр. Бургас, Гр. Благоевград
Фирма/Организация - Директно търсеща служители
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