
Java and Web Developer



ScanTask is a young company that has built and continues to develop AgriTask, a geographical SaaS and mobile solution for agriculture. AgriTask provides real time agronomic decision support that helps growers around the globe to increase profitability and produce higher quality crops.

ScanTask benefits from a highly experienced software team - most developers are 10-15 years in the industry. We have a very good experience with our few chosen oversea developers and consider them an integral part of our growing company.

The successful candidate (a highly experienced software developer) will join a strong software development team, and will share responsibilities for analysis, design, testing and implementation of new system components.

The job suits a highly motivated person interested in developing a stable career. Work time is flexible, with regular online presence for conference calls and online meetings (usually scheduled between 10:00 and 18:00 BG time).

Изисквания към кандидата

Езикови познания:
Английски език

Трудов опит:
С професионален опит над 3 г.



Специални умения:
Requirements * Ability to work standalone and effectively communicate with a distributed team - must have * Good English - both conversational and written is required. * Strong software design skills, ability to design and implement a feature from beginning to end - starting from requirements analysis and ending with the end-user support. * Strong coding skills and familiarity with a software development process organization * Strong Java knowledge * Experience with Java frameworks - ORM (JPA), DI (Guice); experience with Wicket is a plus * Experience with Web development (HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, REST) * Strong skills with SQL (experience with PostgreSQL is a plus) * Experience with GIS or maps is a plus. * Experience with reporting engines like Eclipse BIRT is a plus.

Ние предлагаме

Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден

Срок на заетост:

Трудов безсрочен

Ниво в йерархията:
Експертен персонал без ръководни функции


ИТ и Компютърни специалисти



Населено място:

Гр. Ямбол, Гр. Шумен, Гр. Хасково, Гр. Търговище, Гр. Стара Загора, Гр. София, Гр. Смолян, Гр. Сливен, Гр. Силистра, Гр. Русе, Гр. Разград, Гр. Пловдив, Гр. Плевен, Гр. Перник, Гр. Пазарджик, Гр. Монтана, Гр. Ловеч, Гр. Кюстендил, Гр. Кърджали, Гр. Добрич, Гр. Габрово, Гр. Враца, Гр. Видин, Гр. Велико Търново, Гр. Варна, Гр. Бургас, Гр. Благоевград, Гр. For All the Country





Фирма/Организация - Директно търсеща служители

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