
QA Intern



We are the leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to our clients around the world. We help businesses to manage credit risk, prevent fraud, target marketing offers and automate decision-making. We also help people to check their credit report and credit score and protect against identity theft. In 2016, for the third year running, we were named one of the “World’s Most Innovative Companies” by Forbes magazine.

We employ approximately 17,000 people in 37 countries and our corporate headquarters are in Dublin, Ireland, with operational headquarters in Nottingham, UK; California, US; and Săo Paulo, Brazil.

Experian plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. Total revenue for the year ended March 31, 2016, was US$4.6 billion
Position Title: QA Intern

If you decide to pursue a career in Quality Assurance, at Experian you will get on-hands experience of good Testing and Software Development practices during a lifecycle of market leading Enterprise product in area of financial services. Further, you will understand the whole end to end software delivery process within a big international company.
At Experian we offer a paid internship for 6 months’ period. Moreover, you will work within innovative and energizing team in a friendly environment.

Participate in all activities of software testing process at a Scrum team
Design, develop and execute manual and automated tests
Analyze functional requirements and derive testing strategy


Desire and ambition to establish career in Quality Assurance
Good knowledge of OOP, algorithms and data structures
Good analytical and problem solving skills
Database and/or Computer Networks knowledge
Good written and spoken English
Have completed at least 2 (3 preferred) years towards a Computer Science, IT, or related Degree
Demonstrate a track record of success (academically)

Strong plus is:

Linux and Windows administration skills
Personal projects/achievements

We offer:

Personal Development - career pathway for professional growth supported by learning and development programs and unlimited access to online educational training courses, learning materials & books
Work environment - excellent work conditions with friendly environment, recognized strong team spirit, and fun and quality recreation time
Social benefit package - life insurance, food vouchers, additional health insurance, corporate discounts, Multisport card, and a Share options scheme
Work-life balance - 25 days paid vacation and 3 additional paid days for participation in Social responsibility events

Изисквания към кандидата

Езикови познания:
Английски език

Трудов опит:


Ние предлагаме

Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден

Срок на заетост:


Ниво в йерархията:


ИТ и Компютърни специалисти



Населено място:

Гр. София


Цариградско шосе 115 Г, бл. Сграда Мегапарк, ет. 10, София 1784




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