Next.js Software Developer
We are Bulwork…The first IT & TELCO recruitment agency in Bulgaria with more than 22 years of stable presence in the market. The company has established a reputation for delivering high-quality services both to clients and candidates. We respect the candidates' wishes and strive to provide the best service by finding the most suitable and challenging job for them.
Our partner is…
Well-established and innovative-thinking financial institution. They operate in the lending sector, aiming to present a viable alternative to conventional banking solutions in this field. For their office in Plovdiv, we are looking for an experienced and motivated IT Geek to hold the position of a:
Next.js Software Developer
…who will be part of a newly formed team, working on the development of a financial platform from SCRATCH!
Essential requirements for the role:
- 4+ years of professional experience as a Front-End Developer;
- Solid experience with React (Next.js) - at least two years;
- Extensive knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL/Trpc, Tailwind/RadixUi;
- Experience with StoryBook;
- Good command of English - B1+/B2 level.
A great advantage but not mandatory:
- UI testing experience;
- Understanding of Cypress and AstroJs;
- Familiarity with component frameworks.
The company can offer you:
- Excellent remuneration;
- A HYBRID model of work;
- Flexible working time;
- Additional day of annual paid leave for every year stay in the company;
- A chance to work on new and exciting projects from scratch!
If this sounds like the right opportunity for you, please send us your CV in English or just your LinkedIn profile!
Confidentiality of all applications is assured. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. The candidates do not pay any taxes to the agency - the services are FREE OF CHARGE.
Bulwork Company LTD - IT Recruitment Agency (license No 2107 from 01.09.2016 from MLSP).
Изисквания към кандидата
Езикови познания:
Английски език
Трудов опит:
С професионален опит над 3 г.
Ние предлагаме
Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден
Срок на заетост:
Трудов безсрочен
Ниво в йерархията:
Експертен персонал без ръководни функции
Трудово възнаграждение:
От 7100 до 10000 лева на месец
ИТ и Компютърни специалисти
Софтуер/ Разработка и поддръжка
Населено място:
Гр. Пловдив
15, Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., fl. 2,1124, Sofia, Bulgaria
Агенция за подбор на персонал
Детайли за организацията:
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