



• Drive all communication strategies that positively affects stakeholders’ (customers, influencers, partners, and employees) with the head office;

• Direct the development and execution of marketing communications initiatives including product launches, sales collateral, website & tools, public relations, influencer relations, and social media;

• Ability to recommend appropriate communication vehicle to reach the audience and accomplish stated goals;

• Experience measuring communication effectiveness and identifying communication best practices;

• Ability to recommend required all kind of celebrities that fit our needs for promotion our product;

• Ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment and to effectively manage multiple priorities with minimal supervision;

• Ability to produce content at a fast pace, turning around 300-1,000 word articles in 1-2 days or check the translation and adaptation it for the local market (from English language);

• Adopt all marketing materials for the local market (from head office) and organize printing all post materials on the local market;

• Experienced in writing MLM, food and no-food materials;

• Presence of the media base (established contacts with journalists in newspapers and lifestyle magazines);

• Experience managing social media accounts and writing blog posts as needed;

• Coordinate and supervise all media relations for the company to ensure accurate and timely coverage of company events and news, newspaper, radio, television, and social media;

• BTL: Plan, coordinate and direct selected special events or tours for the promotion of the company;

• ATL: Plan activities and coordinate with the producers, control the adv campaign;

• Monitor issues, trends and events on the market. Especially our direct competitors on the market;

• Collaborate closely with managers in Marketing, Sales from local and head office;
• Networking: leading role to communicate with partners about development of distribution network and business generally;
• Ability to conduct product training in the local market;
• Be the driving force in the development of the work ethic, culture and values of the company on the local market;


• BA/BS degree in Communications, Marketing, PR, Economics

• Min 2 years of experience in Marketing Communications in MLM or product companies

• Or Min 2 years of experience in PR or digital marketing agencies

• Excellent knowledge of English

• Excellent written skills appropriate to different platforms (digital, social, print, video) and understanding of each platform’s strengths and potential;

• Experience in conducting trainings and public speaking as a plus

Изисквания към кандидата

Езикови познания:
Английски език

Трудов опит:
С професионален опит от 1 - 3г.


Специални умения:
People from MLM (multi-level marketing) companies, with experience of work in multi-level companies (such as Avon, Herbalife, Vorwerks, LR, Amway, Tupperware, Jafra, Oriflame, Faberlic) will have a significant advantage.

Ние предлагаме

Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден

Срок на заетост:

Трудов безсрочен

Ниво в йерархията:
Средно управленско ниво, Висше управленско ниво

Трудово възнаграждение:

От 2000 до 3000 лева на месец


Реклама, PR
Мениджмънт, бизнес развитие



Населено място:

Гр. Ямбол, Гр. Шумен, Гр. Хасково, Гр. Търговище, Гр. Стара Загора, Гр. София, Гр. Смолян, Гр. Сливен, Гр. Силистра, Гр. Русе, Гр. Разград, Гр. Пловдив, Гр. Плевен, Гр. Перник, Гр. Пазарджик, Гр. Монтана, Гр. Ловеч, Гр. Кюстендил, Гр. Кърджали, Гр. Добрич, Гр. Габрово, Гр. Враца, Гр. Видин, Гр. Велико Търново, Гр. Варна, Гр. Бургас, Гр. Благоевград


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