Vendor Relationship Manager- София
DSK Bank is one of the leading banks in Bulgaria, with a great IT team of more than 250 IT talents, experiencing professional growth and development every day.In 2020 DSKBank finalized the biggest merger in Bulgaria by integration with Expressbank on 1 May.
Now we are the biggest and fastest growing player on the bank market and we are focused on digitalization and business growth and our new service vision towards the clients.
At DSKBank we are creating a digital center, IT company within the company.
This will help us reach our goals, be flexible and fast, work in agile mode and help our projects and staff grow rapidly.
What makes us different:
•Super interesting new projects
•IT Academy
•Use of the latest platform for mobile banking
•Agile environment
•Flexible working time & home office option
•Unique banking service package – special loan interest for employees on housing and consumer loans
We are looking for talents, that will become part of this great team.
Vendor Relationship Manager
Your tasks in the team:
•Responsible for establishment of good relationship with the IT suppliers;
•Supports the process of preparation and monitoring of the IT budget;
•Reconciles the contracts with the IT suppliers and their payment terms;
•Proceeds the due payments and checks them towards the negotiated payment terms;
•Reports for approval the associated with the IT area expenditures;
•Responsible for the optimization of the administrative efforts associated with this activity;
•Keeps the relationship with the internal clients requesting IT deliveries (services, consultancy, licenses, hardware, telecommunications, etc.).
You are the ideal candidate, if you have:
•IT knowledge is a must;
•Knowledge of the basic accounting principles;
•Proficiency in using office applications, especially Microsoft Excel;
•English language knowledge is a must;
•Highly motivated person to enrich his expenditure monitoring & analysis skills.
What we offer to you:
•Perfect opportunities for professional and career development in a leading Bank in Bulgaria
•Professional trainings for specific knowledge and skills
•Dynamic and challenging position offering freedom to present and accomplish your bright ideas
•Competitive multi-component remuneration and attractive bonus scheme
•Food vouchers; Promo price for Multisport Cards; Wellness program; Discount program with external vendors
•Healthy working environment within a great team of professionals
•Office in the heart of Sofia's city center
If you are challenged by this opportunity, please send your detailed CV in English with a recent photo
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality.
DSK Bank AD is a company registered in the Commercial Register and the Registry Agency’s Register of Legal Persons Engaged in a Non-Profit Making Activity with United Identification Code 121830616, head office and registered address Sofia 1000, 19, Moskovska Str.
The personal data that you submit when filing an application under this VACANCY NOTICE shall be processed and stored by DSK Bank AD in its capacity of Data Controller under the rigorous compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement if such data, as well as the Personal Data Protection Act.
Detailed information about the purposes and the legal grounds for personal data processing; the categories of recipients of personal data; the period for which the personal data will be stored; your rights as personal data subject, as well as information about the way in which you can exercise these rights; contact data of the data protection officer along with any other information which the General Data Protection Regulation prescribes to be provided to the data subjects, has been published in the Careers Section on the webpage of DSK Bank AD.
Изисквания към кандидата
Езикови познания:
Трудов опит:
Ние предлагаме
Вид заетост:
Срок на заетост:
Ниво в йерархията:
Експертен персонал без ръководни функции
Мениджмънт, бизнес развитие
Населено място:
Гр. София
ул. “Московска” 19, Централно управление
Банка ДСК АД
Фирма/Организация - Директно търсеща служители
Детайли за организацията:
Повече информация за Банка ДСК АД може да получите ТУК