Private Equity Depositary Analyst
The Role:Ensuring that clients are monitored in accordance with AIFMD and adhere to the Apex internal policies.
Key duties and responsibilities:
Perform reviews and collect evidence for capital, investment and cash transactions;
Perform quarterly bank and capital account reconciliations between the depositary and the AIFs;
Obtain and review evidence in support of the independence and qualification of the investment valuation process;
Ensure and evidence that the AIF has ownership of assets;
Ensure that investment ledgers are reconciled and up to date with those of the AIF;
Support the production of all necessary reporting to the regulatory authorities;
Prepare the necessary materials in relation to oversight visits and reports;
Prepare and ensure the accuracy of quarterly invoices;
Respond to all client questions and requests in a professional and efficient manner;
Regularly reconcile the records of sub-custodians;
Support the Senior Depositary Analyst in both day to day and training activities;
Suggests areas for improvement or efficiencies to processes;
Detailed review of formal documents;
Reporting internally to Senior Depositary Analyst;
Изисквания към кандидата
Езикови познания:
Трудов опит:
Ние предлагаме
Вид заетост:
Срок на заетост:
Ниво в йерархията:
Експертен персонал без ръководни функции
Населено място:
Гр. София
София 1000, Площад Македония, ул. Алабин 1, етаж 11
Apex Fund Services Bulgaria EOOD
Фирма/Организация - Директно търсеща служители
Детайли за организацията:
Повече информация за Apex Fund Services Bulgaria EOOD може да получите ТУК